Our Quality Policy
We strive to go beyond customer expectations with our Quality Management System, which we constantly update in the light of current conditions and technological developments, and our quality concept based on 60 years of experience.
Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Policy
We undertake;
To Increase the performance of the environmental and occupational health and safety system, continuous improvement, fulfillment of legal and other compliance obligations,
To ensure that the necessary resources, training and inspections are carried out in order to achieve our environmental and occupational health and safety goals and ensure their sustainability,
To reduce our environmental impact, occupational health and safety hazards and risks by taking the participation and opinions of our employees, suppliers and other relevant institutions,
To prevent work accidents and occupational diseases by protecting the health and safety of our employees,
Using natural resources effectively, using sustainable resources, minimizing waste generation and preventing environmental pollution.

Burak ÇELİKTAŞ Chairman of the Board
Information Security Policy
As Bayramoğlu Construction Contracting Trade. and Ind. Inc.Co. our primary goal is to ensure the trust of the institutions and organizations we serve and to ensure the security of the information assets we use for the services we provide. In this context; Our relations with the customers we cooperate with, official institutions and companies we are in partnership with are very valuable for us. The continuity of the services we provide, the confidentiality of the information we hold, and the integrity of our customers or information assets within ourselves are of high importance. For this purpose, we undertake:

* To continuously improve the development and effectiveness of the ISO 27001:2017 system,
* To keep the information security awareness of our employees high,
* To fully comply with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Turkey.

Burak ÇELİKTAŞ Chairman of the Board
Quality Certificates